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This issue should be used as reference for a milestone. Create a new milestone using the GitHub interface and link the subsequent issues to that milestone as they are being created.

Problem Statement

Describe the problem you are trying to solve.

Desired Outcome

Describe the kind of model you would like to obtain.

Current State

Describe the current state and it's shortcomings. Why does this need to change?

Model Requirements

Describe what requirements the model should met in order to consider the project a success.

Data Requirements

Describe what dataset will need to be created/imported.


Describe the metrics you will use to measure success. Be specific in how a metric is defined for the purpose of this problem. This may contain a combination of business metrics and technical metrics This should also include metrics that we wish to balance against our primary metric.


  • Describe any constraints that the solution must consider.

See Also

Background Info

  • Link to docs or sources with relevant research, examples, documents, etc. from internal or external sources
  • Link to any related projects or repos that you found during research portion of project